What the hell were these idiots thinking? I love Raj Kumar, i have to prove my love my viewing his body, and i will do whatever it bloody takes to catch a glimpse of it, even if it means throwing rocks at cops, burning buses, shutting shops and essentially making an ass of myself.
What happens when aanta, santaa and bantaa meet Yamraj on the last flight leaving earth? How do they justify their lives? Their contribution to mankind? Do they have a case for a room in heaven? Hmm.....i really would not put any money on their chances to a suite in heavenland.
My question and discomfort in all of this is that i feel no pity for aanta, bantaa and santaa. I actually feel they deserved it. In fact i wish that many of their friends in the mob too were with them on that flight.
Do you think the finance minister is revising the produtivity numbers for India now that we are three morons less?