
- Bahasa dan Komunikasia.. Ekspresi wajah datarb.. Tidak menggunakan bahasa atau isyarat tubuhc.. Jarang memulai komunikasid.. Tidak meniru aksi dan suara.. Bicara sedikit atau tidak adaf.. Mengulangi atau membeo kata-kata, kalimat-kalimat, atau nyanyiang.. Mengucapkan intonasi atau ritme vokal yang anehh.. Tampak tidak mengerti arti kata. Kalau mengerti dan menggunakan kata secara terbatas
- Hubungan dengan oranga.. Tidak responsifb.. Tidak ada senyum sosialc.. Tidak berkomunikasi dengan matad.. Kontak mata terbatase.. Tampak asyik bila dibiarkan sendirianf.. Tidak melakukan permainan gilirang.. Menggunakan tangan orang dewasa sebagai alat untuk melakukan sesuatu
- Hubungan dengan lingkungana.. Bermain repetitif atau diulang-ulang.. Marah dan tidak menghendaki perubahanc.. Berkembangnya rutinitas yang kakud.. Memperlihatkan ketertarikan yang sangat pada sesuatu dan tidak fleksibel
- Respon terhadap rangsangana.. Panik terhadap suara-suara tertentu.. Sangat sensitif terhadap suarac.. Bermain dengan cahaya dan pantuland.. Memainkan jari-jari di depan matae.. Menarik diri ketika disentuhf.. Sangat tidak suka dengan pakaian, makanan, atau hal-hal tertentug.. Tertarik pada pola, tekstur, atau bau tertentuh.. Sangat inaktif atau hiperaktifi.. Mungkin suka memutar-mutar sesuatu, bermain berputar-putar, membentur-benturkan kepala, atau menggigit pergelanganj.. Melompat-lompat atau mengepak-ngepakan tangank.. Tahan atau berespon aneh terhadap nyeri
- Kesenjangan perkembangan perilakua.. Kemampuan akan sesuatu mungkin sangat baik atau sangat terlambatb.. Mempelajari keterampilan di luar urutan normal.Misal : membaca tapi tidak mengerti artic.. Menggambar secara rinci tapi tidak bisa mengancingkan bajud.. Pintar memainkan puzzle tapi amat sukar mengikuti perintah.. Berjalan pada usia normal, tapi tidak bisa berkomunikasif.. Lancar membeo bicara, tapi sulit memulai bicara dari diri sendiri (inisiatif komunikasi)g.. Suatu waktu dapat melakukan sesuatu, tapi di lain waktu tidak
- Vaksinasi: Manfaat dan BahayaDalam tubuh sekelompok anak autisme di AS yang sebelumnya berkali-kali menjalani imunisasi ditentukan kandungan merkuri di atas kadar normal. Bagaimana merkuri bisamasuk ke dalam tubuh anak? ternyata, beberapa jenis vaksin mengandung pengawet thimerosal. Hampir 50 persen senyawa ini terdiri dari etilmerkuri. Fakta lain tentang kaitan vaksin dan autismen diungkapkan Andrew Wakefield sekitar tahun 1998. Dokter asal Inggris ini memaparkan pemberian vaksin kombinasi MMR (Measles,Mumps,dan Rubella) untuk mencegah penyakit campak, gondong dan rubella (campak jerman) sekalipun vaksin tersebut tidak mengandung merkuri. Rudy menjelaskan MMR berisikan tiga viurs, diberikan pada anak dengan harapan anak dapat langsung memiliki tiga natibodi. Pada anak-anak tertentu, kedatangan tiga virus sekaligus menimbulkan reaksi autoimun dimana zat yang seharusnya melindungi malah menyerang tubuh, tepatnya yang serang bagian selubung serabut saraf otak. Saat ini belum satu pun negara melarang penggunaan vaksin-vaksin tersebut, mengingat keberadaannya diperlukan untuk mencegah wabah penyakit berbahaya di masyarakat luas. Negara maju seperti AS pun baru tahap memerintahkan produsen untuk emnghentikan pembuatan vaksin ber-thoimerosal dan segera memproduksi vaksin bebas merkuri. Stok vaksin bermerkuri masih digunakan. Bila produksi vaksin baru telah mencukupi kebutuhan negaranya, barulah vaksin "bermasalah" ditarik dari peredaran. karenanya Rudy menyarankan dalam melakukan vaksinasi sebaiknya para orangtua lebih mengutamakan kondisi individu anak. Bila di lingkungan keluarga besar ada yang mengidap autisme, kelainan genetik seperti down syndrown, atau penyakit autoimun seperti lupus dan jantung rematik, anak beresiko mengidap autisme. Tetap berikan imunisasi untuk melindungi anak dari penyakit menular, tetapi lakukan dengan yang cara lebih teliti. Mintalah dokter memberikan vaksinasi measles,mumps,dan rubella dengan jadwal terpisah berjarak sekitar 3 bulan antara satu dengan yang lainnya.
The opportunity recovered the sufferer autis to the child has been open.
Don't defined the sign autisme only in contact mata. many parents were deceived and finally regretted because of ignoring other signs.
Currently autisme menyeruak one in every time 150 batita.
The term autisme came from significant "car" words independent.
This term was introduced by Leo Kramer during 1943 because of seeing the child autisme had prila I was strange, was seen cared with the environment and tended to be isolate as though living in the different world.
The strange behaviour that was classified as the disturbance of this difficult development happened because of the existence of nerves damage dibeberapa the part of otak.Menurut Dr. Rudy sutadi, SpA, the child's specialist from the Centre of Kid Autis Therapy, nerves damage of this brain emerged because of many factors, including the genetic problem and the environmental factor.
Autisme was divided two.
Mentioned autisme classic whenever nerves damage has been received since being born, because when contained, the mother was infected by the virus, like rubella, or flattest heavy metal was dangerous like mercury and timbal that had an impact menagacaukan the process of the formation of nerve cells on the embryo's brain.
The second kind was mentioned autisme regressive.
Emerge during the child aged between 12 to 24 months.
Beforehand the development of the child relatively normal, but suddenly during the age of the child meninjak 2 years of the child's capacity declined.
That earlier could make the sentence 2 to 3 words changed quiet and no longer spoke.
The child was seen did not care and want to carry out eyes contact.
The conclusion that circulated in klangan the expert mentioned autisme regressive emerged because the child was contaminated direct by faktir the trigger.
That most was highlighted was the explanation of heavy metal especially mercury and timbal from the environment.
One harapanDulu the sling autisme it was considered does not have the future, now the opportunity of recovering was open wide.
The child autisme was said recovered when could follow the regular school, developed and lived independent in the middle of the community by not showing the sign of the remnants.
Currently overseas has had the child autisme that went to school samapi S3, married, and had the child in fact to the official.
The key to the child's recovery autisme was two, that is the intervention in behaviour therapy with the ABA method and the biomedical intervention.
ABA was the abbreviation from Applied Behaviour analysis (ABA).
Utilised the first time in the handling autisme by Lovaas, so as to be mentioned with the Lovaas method.
This method trained the child have the ability the language, social, academic, and the capacity helped itself.
During 1967, Lovaas has proven ABA could improve ketidaknormalan the child autisme dnan the level of the success until 89 percent.
Whereas the biomedical Intervention was needed to straighten out damage of body cells resulting from heavy metal poisoning and expel hindrances that obstructed the entry of nutrition to the brain.
The biomedical intervention prosecuted the child to undergo the certain diet.
The food kind that was abstained from depended the condition was as serious poisoning that happened.
Generally the child autisme was forbidden to consume cattle milk and food contained wheat flour.
The Susu Sapi diet and TeriguSusu cattle contained protein kasein whereas wheat contained gluten protein.
According to Rudy, children's body autis could not dissolve kasein and gluten completely.
The analysis of the imperfect compound entered blood vessels and down to the brain as morphine.
This was proven with the discovery of the content of morphine that characterised kasein and gluten in the test of children's urine autisme.
The existence of clear morphine influenced the work of the brain and the centres of nerves so as the child berprila I was strange and had difficulty interacting with his environment.
"Therefore the child autisme berprila I like the child morfinis. sometimes could interact with his environment but only was temporary afterwards incorrectly still" Rudy's words.
With the diet kasein and gluten could minimise the disturbance of morphine and stimulated the child's capacity to accept therapy ABA. the Detection autismeAmati the movement of pre-schoolers you, because of the sign autisme emerged in the age phase 0-3 years had many signs autisme. although having eyes contact, if the child showed the sign autisme other, better immediately consulted with the nerves doctor of the child or the psychological expert the child to ascertain the diagnosis autisme.
The diagnosis could be believed when the doctor did test with the DSM IV criterion or ICD-10.Indikator the autistic behaviour in child-anak
- the Language and Komunikasia..
The face expression datarb..
Did not use the language or the sign tubuhc..
Rarely began komunikasid..
Did not copy the action and suarae..
Spoke about a little or not adaf..
Repeated or imitated words, sentences, or nyanyiang..
Said the intonation or the rhythm of the vowel that anehh..
Apparently did not understand the meaning said.
If understood and used said in a terbatas
manner - relations with oranga..
Not responsifb..
There was no smile sosialc..
Did not communicate with matad..
Eyes contact terbatase..
Apparently greated when being left alone sendirianf..
Did not carry out the game gilirang..
Used the hands of the adult as the implement to do sesuatu
- relations with lingkungana..
Playing repetitive or was repeated-ulangb..
Angry and did not want perubahanc..
The routine expansion that kakud..
Showed ketertarikan that really in something and not fleksibel
- the response to rangsangana..
Panic towards certain voices
Really was sensitive to suarac..
Played with the light and pantuland..
Played fingers in front matae..
Withdrew when disentuhf..
Really did not like clothes, food, or matters tertentug..
Was interested to the pattern, the texture, or the smell tertentuh..
Really inaktif or hiperaktifi..
Possibly liked turned-mutar something, playing went around in circles, bent-benturkan the head, or biting pergelanganj..
Jumped up and down or mengepak-ngepakan tangank..
Kept or berespon strange against nyeri
- the development Gap perilakua..
The capacity would something possibly very good or really terlambatb..
Studied skills apart from the place normal.Misal: read but did not understand artic..
Drew in detail but could not button bajud..
Clever played puzzle but very much was difficult to follow the order..
Went in the normal age, but could not berkomunikasif..
Smooth imitated spoke, but was difficult began spoke from himself (the communication initiative) g..
A time could do something, but in other time is not.
- the Vaccination: the Benefit and BahayaDalam the body of a group of child autisme in the USA that beforehand repeatedly underwent the immunisation was determined the content of mercury above the level of normal.
How mercury bisamasuk in the child's body?
Evidently, several vaccine kinds contained the preservative thimerosal.
Almost 50 percent compound consist of etilmerkuri.
The other fact about the vaccine connection and autismen was revealed by Andrew Wakefield around 1998.
The doctor from England this explained giving of the MMR combination vaccine (Measles, Mumps, and Rubella) to prevent the measles illness, gondong and rubella (the German measles) although this vaccine did not contain mercury.
Rudy explained MMR contained three viurs, was given to the child in the hope that the foundling at once has three natibodi.
To certain children, the arrival of three viruses at the same time provoked the reaction autoimun where the substance that ought to protect even attacked the body, to be precise that attacked the part of nerves of the brain of the cover of fibre.
At this time not yet even one countries forbade the use of these vaccines, considering his existence to be needed to prevent the plague of the dangerous illness in the wider community.
Developed countries like the USA then just the stage ordered the producer to emnghentikan the production of the vaccine had thoimerosal and immediately produced the free vaccine mercury.
Stock of the vaccine bermerkuri still was used.
When the production of the vaccine just fulfilled the requirement for his country, just the "problematic" vaccine was pulled from peredaran. consequently Rudy suggested in carrying out the vaccination better the parents more gave priority to the condition for the child's individual.
When in the big family circle there are those that was ill autisme, the genetic deviation like down syndrown, or the illness autoimun like lupus and the heart of rheumatism, the risky child was ill autisme.
Continue to give the immunisation to protect the child from infectious diseases, but did with that the method was more thorough.
Ask the doctor to give the vaccination measles, mumps, and rubella with the schedule was separated be at a distance around 3 months between one and that was other.